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How to Create an Effective Study Routine: Online, Classroom, or Live Online

In today’s world, advancing your career as you manage your already busy lifestyle is now easier and more accessible than it ever was before.

With a variety of learning methods available, including online, face-to-face, or Live Online, it comes as no surprise that creating a study routine is crucial for making the most of your time and maximizing your potential.

While each mode of learning offers its own unique set of advantages and challenges, in this blog, we will explore how to create an effective study routine that can be applied to online, classroom, or Live Online learning environments.

The Difference Between Online, Classroom and Live Online Learning

Before diving into the details of creating an effective study routine, let's explore the distinctions between online, classroom, and Live Online learning environments.

  • Online Learning:

Online learning is characterized by remote access to educational materials and resources through digital platforms. This mode offers flexibility, allowing learners to choose when and where they study. However, it requires self-discipline and effective time management to stay on track.

  • Classroom Learning:

Traditional classroom learning occurs in a physical setting, where students and instructors interact face-to-face. This approach provides immediate feedback, a structured schedule, and social interaction. On the downside, it may be less flexible and require a fixed commitment to attend classes.

  • Live Online Learning:

Live Online learning combines the benefits of both online and classroom learning. It offers real-time, interactive virtual classes, allowing students to participate remotely while still engaging with instructors and peers. This mode offers a balanced approach, combining flexibility and the advantages of live interaction.


Understand Your Learning Style

Before creating a study routine, it's essential to understand your learning style. People have different preferences for how they learn best. The VARK model, developed by Neil Fleming, provides a more comprehensive approach to understanding learning styles. According to the VARK model, learning preferences are categorized into four main sensory modalities: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, or Kinaesthetic learners.

  • Visual (V): Visual learners prefer to learn through images, diagrams, and spatial representations. They benefit from colourful and organized notes, charts, or diagrams that aid in their understanding of the material. Utilizing visual aids can be a crucial part of their study routine.

  • Auditory (A): Auditory learners learn best through listening. They may prefer discussing the topics with peers or listening to recorded lectures. Engaging in group discussions and using audio resources can be effective study strategies for auditory learners.

  • Reading/Writing (R): Reading/Writing learners thrive when information is presented in a written form. They may find it beneficial to take detailed written notes, create outlines, or engage in extensive reading. Organizing their thoughts through writing can enhance their learning process.

  • Kinaesthetic (K): Kinaesthetic learners are hands-on and prefer interactive learning experiences. They benefit from physically engaging with the material through activities, experiments, and real-world applications. Incorporating practical exercises and interactive elements into their study routine can be highly effective.

To identify your specific learning style, you can take the VARK questionnaire available at VARK Modalities. Once you determine your primary learning modality or a combination of modalities, you can tailor your study routine to suit your individual needs more effectively.

For example, if your VARK assessment reveals that you are a Visual and Kinaesthetic learner, you might find it beneficial to create visual aids like diagrams and participate in hands-on activities to reinforce your understanding of the material.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

One of the most critical steps in creating an effective study routine is setting clear and achievable goals. Whether you are learning online, in a classroom, or through Live Online sessions, having a purpose for your study sessions will keep you motivated and on track.

For instance, if you are taking an online course in marketing, your goal might be to master a specific marketing concept within a week. In a classroom setting, your goal might be to participate actively in class discussions and complete assignments on time. In a Live Online class, your objective could be to actively engage with the instructor and your fellow students during the virtual sessions.

Develop a Study Schedule

Once you have established your learning objectives, it's time to create a study schedule. This schedule should include dedicated time for studying, attending classes (in-person or virtually), and completing assignments. Having a well-structured study routine is crucial for time management and ensuring that you make the most of your learning environment.

For example, if you are a working professional taking an online course, you might allocate two hours every evening after work to study. In a classroom setting, you could create a weekly calendar with designated study hours. In a Live Online class, you will follow a schedule provided by the instructor, however, you’ll need to create time away from class to study as well – like in-person settings.

Choose the Right Environment

Your study environment plays a significant role in your productivity and concentration. Consider your learning environment when creating your study routine. Different settings have unique requirements, and tailoring your study environment to your needs can make a significant difference in your overall success.

In an online learning environment:

  • Find a quiet corner or room where you can study without distractions.
  • Set up your computer with all the necessary resources, like textbooks, notes, and any digital tools.
  • Consider using noise-cancelling headphones if you have noisy neighbours or family members.
  • Create a study schedule to establish a routine and minimize interruptions.

In a classroom:

  • Arrive early to class to secure a good seat and be mentally prepared.
  • Organize your study materials in advance, such as notebooks, pens, and textbooks.
  • Take advantage of the resources provided in the classroom, like the chalkboard, whiteboard, or projector.
  • Sit near the front to engage better with the instructor and fellow students.

For Live Online classes:

  • Ensure you have a reliable and high-speed internet connection.
  • Set up a comfortable workspace with a suitable chair and desk.
  • Download any required software or tools before the class starts.
  • Eliminate distractions by closing irrelevant tabs or apps on your computer.

Utilize Technology and Resources

No matter the learning environment, technology and resources are your allies in creating an effective study routine. In an online setting, you have access to a wealth of digital materials, such as e-books, videos, and online forums. In a classroom, you may have physical textbooks and access to a library. Live Online classes often use video conferencing platforms and online collaboration tools.

For instance, you can use educational apps such Trello, Notes and myHomework, online flashcards, and interactive quizzes to enhance your online learning experience. In a classroom, you may utilize multimedia resources provided by your instructor, and in Live Online classes, take full advantage of virtual classrooms and discussion forums.


Active Learning Techniques

To make your study routine more effective, it's important to engage in active learning techniques. Active learning involves participating, discussing, and applying what you've learned actively. This approach helps you internalize information more effectively.

For example, in an online course, you can engage in discussions on the course's forum, participate in virtual group projects, and apply concepts in real-world scenarios. In a classroom, you can ask questions, join class discussions, and work on group projects. In Live Online sessions, actively participate in virtual discussions, and take part in live quizzes and polls, if available.

Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination can be a significant challenge in any learning environment. Afterall, it can be difficult to sit down and get things done when life gets busy or when you simply don’t want to.

To create an effective study routine, however, we recommend looking at a few helpful strategies to stop procrastination. Some include:

  • Prioritize your tasks: Organize your tasks and create a to-do list. You can also identify the most important tasks to tackle first, this will permit you to feel more comfortable doing task by task.

  • “Eat the frog’’: Begin your day by tackling the most challenging task, this will boost your confidence and motivate you to finish the rest of the tasks.

  • Develop good consistent habits: Build healthy habits like "eating the frog" and using techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for a focused 25-minute period followed by a 5-minute break.

    For instance, if you're studying online, set a timer for 25 minutes and commit to studying with full concentration. After the timer goes off, take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle a few times, and then take a more extended break. In a classroom, you can set similar time blocks for focused attention. In live online classes, make sure to stay engaged during the entire session, as it's easier to become distracted in a virtual setting.

  • Minimize distractions: Create a distraction-free environment when focusing on tasks. You can also use the ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode on your phone and avoid social media to maintain concentration.

  • Reward yourself: Implement personal rewards to stay motivated such as using breaks or small treats as incentives to stay on track.

  • Be kind to yourself: Focus on taking steps to get started rather than berating yourself for procrastinating.

Seek Support and Collaboration

No matter your learning environment, seeking support and collaboration can significantly enhance your study routine. In an online setting, you can connect with your peers through discussion forums and group chats. In a classroom, you could interact with your classmates in person, and in Live Online classes, you can participate in virtual discussions and group projects, depending on the course.

Collaborative learning can lead to a deeper understanding of the material and provide valuable insights from different perspectives.


Remember that the key to an effective study routine is adaptability. What works for one person may not work for another, and what works in one learning environment may not work in another.

This is why creating an effective study routine is essential for success in any learning environment. By identifying your learning style, choosing the right environment, avoiding procrastination, seeking support, and reflecting and revising, you can optimize your learning.

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