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Our Blogs

Perry Timms: Why OD is the Saviour of a World of Work in Flux

If you're studying a CIPD HR/L&D qualification or are looking for some advice on Organisation Design, then read Perry’s blog on OD for HR practitioners a little inspiration. 

CIPD Assignment Advice: Conducting Research, Preparation and Referencing

Acacia Tutor, Tristan Callaghan, shares his expert advice on conducting research, assignment preparation and referencing.

People Management in Healthcare

We have as a society been more than ever indebted to NHS professionals in recent months. Europe’s biggest employer has never been the easiest to manage yet the loyalty and commitment they have shown, including to three members of my family, has been remarkable.

CIPD Study and Assessment Tips for New Students

We asked our team of tutors to share their study and assessment advice for all new CIPD levels 3, 5 & 7 students.

4 Quick Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a great platform for creating and marketing your personal brand and for connecting with professionals in all sectors from around the world.

What Happens When You Train Your Employees?

Check out our infographic on the incredible things that happen when you take the time to train your employees. 

Mindful Leadership | The Who, the What and the Why?

Below discuss mindful leadership and why it's something to focus on in the workplace moving forward. 

12 Tips for Remote Working

Oak Tree Training tutor Angie Turner provides 12 top tips for remote working including setting boundaries, communication and self care.

Diversity and Inclusion: Everyone’s Business

There is no denying that workplace diversity and inclusion is an essential aspect of effective people management. Providing an inclusive environment which encourages innovation and creativity and supports the workforce to reach its full potential is vital to organisational flexibility, responsiveness and agility. Whilst UK legislation provides a minimum standard, the real benefits are derived from moving beyond compliance so that everyone has the right to equal access to employment, training and development.

International Organisations and The Problem With “Business Culture”

“If anyone, no matter who, were given the opportunity of choosing from amongst all the nations in the world the set of beliefs which he thought best, he would inevitably—after careful considerations of their relative merits—choose that of his own country. Everyone without exception believes his own native customs, and the religion he was brought up in, to be the best.” – Herodotus, The Histories –