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Human Resources Blog

Women at Work in the Middle East: How HR Can Help

Female professionals in the Middle East have made great strides over the years policy changes encouraging them to step into employment, however there is still a lot that can be done from HR departments to support them.

How is AI and Automation Changing HR in the Middle East?

This blog explores how AI and automation are transforming HR in the Middle East, covering areas such as recruitment, employee onboarding, performance management, engagement, and HR analytics. It highlights the benefits, challenges, and implications of these technologies for the region's HR landscape, emphasizing the importance of balancing technology with a human touch.

Attracting and Retaining Talent in a Competitive Job Market

The competitive landscape, along with shifting workforce dynamics and changing employee expectations, requires a fresh approach to talent acquisition and retention. In this blog, we discuss the strategies and insights that can help your organization stand out and retain the best talent in this fiercely competitive job market.

What is the Best CIPD Qualification to Have?

CIPD offers the most prestigious HR and L&D professional qualifications, enabling professionals in those industries to progress their career. This blog explores the best CIPD qualification to have.

8 Tips for Managing Remote Teams Year Round

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, Acacia Learning recognizes the importance of enhancing productivity and collaboration in the virtual workspace. Drawing inspiration from industry experts and best practices, we present eight practical strategies to optimize remote team management for businesses worldwide.

HR Policies for Summer Leave and Vacation Planning

Effective HR policies organizations in the Middle East are fundamental to ensure smooth operations during summer months while prioritizing employee well-being. In his blog we explore 6 HR strategies essential in facilitating summer leave without impacting the business process.